LOSE WEIGHT and keep it off

Weight-loss specialists — 97.4% satisfaction rate
If you continue to struggle with controlling your weight and feel you are getting nowhere then why not speak to one of our specialist consultants at Aspire. Come meet with our staff to discuss where you go next and to work out a personal plan that addresses your specific issues.
We offer a high level of expertise and experience in this field and you will meet with one of our specialist consultants who are highly experienced in weight loss surgery, you will not meet with advisors or sales co-ordinators, only with qualified, experienced medical staff, without any obligation.
What we do
Dieting, Exercise and Medication
Best practice is that patients are treated conservatively, with a combination of diet, exercise and counselling, if that has not already been tried…

Bariatric Surgery
Gastric Sleeve or Sleeve Gastrectomy. This involves the surgeon removing about 70 to 85 % of the stomach so that it takes the shape of a tube or sleeve.

Implanted Devices
The gastric balloon is introduced into the stomach through the mouth. The surgeon conducts an initial examination of the stomach using an endoscopic camera, and will proceed if no abnormalities are observed.

Dieting, Exercise and Medication
Best practice is that patients are treated conservatively, with a combination of diet, exercise and counselling, if that has not already been tried…
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Bariatric Surgery
Gastric Sleeve or Sleeve Gastrectomy. This involves the surgeon removing about 70 to 85 % of the stomach so that it takes the shape of a tube or sleeve.
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Implanted Devices
The gastric balloon is introduced into the stomach through the mouth. The surgeon conducts an initial examination of the stomach using an endoscopic camera, and will proceed if no abnormalities are observed.
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Frequently asked questions
How Will My Life Change after Surgery?

Lifetime follow-up is recommended, with at least three follow-up visits during the first year. Adjustable gastric banding requires more frequent visits for band adjustments. You will need to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including a new nutrition plan and regular exercise, although exercise restrictions may be in place until you are healed. Because of the decrease in food intake, constipation may occur. A laxative may be recommended. You may want to consider or may require reconstructive operations after your weight stabilizes.
Medications can be prescribed as needed. However, your doctor may tell you to avoid aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can irritate the stomach.
How Will My Diet Change?

Immediately following adjustable gastric banding, only sips of water are allowed. Over the next two weeks, the consumption amount is increased gradually with fluids in the form of water and liquids, such as clear broth, skimmed milk, low-calorie juice and sugar-free ice lollies. You will need to watch how many calories you eat and limit your liquid intake to avoid nausea and vomiting. Low-fat pureed foods, protein-rich chicken and fish, mashed potatoes and peas are started three to four weeks after the operation.
Patients who undergo more invasive procedures follow a similar dietary progression for 12 weeks and then they are allowed regular, healthy foods.
Once healed, care must be taken to let your stomach adapt to its new environment. Vitamin supplements may be necessary
How Long Will It Take for Me to Recover?

That depends on the procedure. Patients, who undergo laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding or sleeve gastrectomy surgery tend to stay in the hospital for typically one night.
Recovery times differ too. In one study, patients returned to normal activity in about one week after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding and between two to three weeks after a sleeve gastrectomy.
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